There are a lot of excellent movies that never got half the publicity Hunger Games got, and I want know why?

BOOM! In comes Hollywood (the herder). They can't lose the sheep to the wolves (independent thinking) so they scramble to lead us to greener pasture. And what is this pasture? Why, Hunger Games of course!
Hollywood needed a new franchise--and fast. They knew they had to hook that core audience created by Twilight and Harry Potter and since most of that demographic were girls 14-25, they were aware that shiny new pasture had to come from a young adult novel. A search here, a jump there and (ta-da!) the most anticipated movie of 2012 was found: The Hunger Games.
I am all for blockbuster franchises (it gives the sheep something to look forward to and spend their money on), but why just one? I am pretty sure there are a lot of FANTASTIC YA novels out there that have great stories just like the Hunger Games, so why over-hype one and not the other? You tell me 'cause I don't know. But I will say this though: a lot of writers will now hope their work will get the same treatment as the Hunger Games, and I must sadly inform you that this is delusional. These blockbuster movie franchises aren't created based on quality or even likability, it's an industry employing the full use of its power to maintain THE TREND. Another important factor is time. Breaking into a market at the right moment is crucial. It can make stars and shatter dreams. In this instance, the Hunger Games had a perfect storm of industry backing and near impeccable timing.