What a year it's been!
So many amazing things have happened, not just for me but the entire world! Likewise, where there is happiness and joy there's always darkness and despair. Millions of people lost their lives in the most tragic of ways--most recently the Sandy Cook Elementary School shooting. Our hearts and minds go out to all those familes and the countless other victims of tragedies around the world. It is in times like these we need to remind ourselves that evil will always try to ruin us, regardless of who we are, but through the essence of all that is good we have shown that we can band together and fight all odds. It is our love...our happiness...our sheer belief in a brighter tomorrow that makes us strong. So as we move into a new chapter on this the most holy of seasons, I want to wish everyone, near and far, a wonderful Christmas and a bright and prosperous New Year.
Thanks for the memories.