So, we've come to yet another end of a marvelous week, and I do hope we can see many more.
Today is the first ever Friday Wonder Ponder (try saying that three times fast), where you tell me your deepest, darkest answers to my greatest Ponder-ments.
I'm pretty certain we all write with a goal in mind, and we also have that one author who's career we would love to emulate. Wouldn't it be great to be as wealthy as J.K. Rowling? As renowned and consistent as James Patterson? Or as stupendously awesome as Neil Gaiman? If I had to choose, I would love to have J.K. Rowling's career. Not due to her wealth and fame (I can't handle that - I just can't), but because I would love to write such a unique, twisty, magical novel and touch the lives of billions. Ah yes. . .that would make me a very happy man.
So, for this first ever Friday Wonder Ponder, which author's career would you love to have and why?
That's a tough question. I will play along, and think of it as fun, not envy. LOL.
Without a lot of time to think about it, I would say Tolkien. He created the model for all modern-day fantasy: elves, dwarves, a Dark Lord, etc.
And he truly loved language, even creating his own elven languages. So there you have it.
There you go! Super awesome elucidation. Tolkein was my second choice, despite - and you might hate me for saying this - the fact I found his writing to be tedious and trite. It was not my cup of tea. There was no real sense of voice, no twang to the life.
The fantasy elements were superb, but the writing...ur....not so much. At least, in my noobish, and not so humble opinion. :D
My answer would definitely have to be Lois Lowry. I am just in love with her books--she has so many good ones! If I could be half as good as her, I'd be happy.
My own successful one. I could only be a tepid copy, but I think I have it within myself to be a first-class me. LOL. I see we both like Calvin and Hobbes. Come to my site to see another cartoon of them, Roland
Ok - I know who's career I would love to have - Suzanne Collins. I loved loved loved the Hunger Games trilogy. But close second would be JK Rowling.
Hmmm... that is a deep question. I think Jane Yolen. She's not fabulously wealthy or extremely well known (not like Suzanne Collins or Rowling), but she's definitely respected and she's had the freedom to do tons of different things (picture books, non fiction, ya, etc).
1. Whoever writes Ke$ha's lyrics.
2. Edward Allen Poe. Bring on the absinthe.
3. Stephanie Meyer. That way I could just let a dog walk around on the keyboard for a day or so, then ship it to the publisher and make gazillions. Yes. That's bitterness.
(and sorry TD, new stuff coming soon. getting a little experimental so taking a while)
Anne - Thanks for stopping by. I have no clue who that is, but guess who's gonna Google it? ;)
Roland - Excellent confidence. That is the sort of "swagger" writers in our age need to project. No longer can we write in a basement, send in our work and never show we have to be mini-celebrities, which, for some, can be quite daunting. But entirely necessary.
Ellen - I loved all of her books, and she definitely has a career to die for. Thanks for stopping by.
Anne - Another author I am not familiar with (I really need to broaden my horizons), but I will Google, and hopefully read her work. If it appeals to me. :D
Brad - I love your humor 'cause I'm just as silly. And I do agree with that Stephanie Meyer joke - though I have respect for her romance skills.
I know you're busy with work and life, so feel free to post whenever you have the time.
My answer is V.C. Andrews. Her novels were dark and twisted page turners.
I see what you're saying about Tolkien, T.D. Many have criticized what they have deemed his purple prose.
I read these books when I was around thirteen. Many, many years ago. They were the first books to open my eyes to what good fiction could be, so they hold a special place on my emotional bookshelf.
Now, it has its faults, but you can't deny that Tolkien created the template from which all have fantasy novels have sprung. Well, just about all.
I have found that most people who defend Tolkien also read the books when they were young.
Reading it as an adult, I now see many sections that are tedious or boring, or just kind of flat. His characters are fairly one-dimensional: good or evil.
Anyway, I could go on, but you get the point!
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